My hypnotherapy business and particularly our hypnotherapy training company, has enabled me to travel to some incredible places and meet some incredible hypnotists and hypnotherapist.
The focus this year in hypnotherapy seems to be on how hypnosis can help alleviate and or eliminate pain. My pain technique The Arrow which I developed in the 1990s has now been learned by practitioners around the world.
In January I presented the Arrow Technique to over 600 people in Brazil at the Hi Brain Institute Hypnosis Conference.
This was the biggest Hypnosis conference in Brazil, created, organised and hosted by the most famous Hypnotist in Brazil, Alberto Del’Isola. Also presenting were some of the most influential Hypnotherapists and Hypnotist’s in the world. My son Anthony Jacquin, James Tripp, Kelley T Woods, Melissa Tiers, Bob Burns, Rob De Groof, Michael Watson, Mark Savard and many more.
In April we were invited to Bucharest by the wonderful Eugen Popa to demonstrate our Hypnotherapy, methods, techniques and philosophies. Once again making new friends and associates.
In June we were once again in Brazil, probably the worlds most fanatical, hypnosis students, hypnotists and followers of all things hypnotic, in the world. Once again Anthony and I were demonstrating our Hypnotherapy, methods, techniques and philosophies.
In August I was invited to present the Arrow Technique in Las Vegas at the ‘HypnoThought Live’ Conference, probably the largest Hypnosis Conference in the USA. Over a Thousand Hypnosis fans attended. Once again, I met some of the most well known and well thought of Hypnotherapist’s in the world.
This month, September I went to what has become known as the ‘Gathering’ created by and hosted by Bob Burns, this was a Pain Elimination day, with presenters Beryl Coma, Emma Aimes, Carol, Bob Burns, Graeme Harvey and myself.
Next month I will be running my first ‘Hip No Therapy’ day in York. I will be demonstrating methods, techniques and answering questions on any aspect of my Hypnotherapy work and book ‘Hypnotherapy’.
In November The UK HYPNOSIS CONVENTION WILL BE HELD IN London where I will be presenting some rapid change phenomena therapeutic techniques.
In between these dates My son Anthony and I will be running our Profession Hypnotherapy course, The Arrow Technique Course and the Modern Hypnotism course.